This Sunday’s service (streamed at 10.10am and online thereafter here) celebrates the contemplative tradition that is thriving in the Stroud Parish Churches.
In the service, we include visits to our Still Moving, Taize & Cowshed communities – including input from their leaders (Milly Sinclair leads a body prayer, Simon & Julie Cooper weave diverse spiritual readings inspired by the Gospel around the chant Adoramus te Domine…).
You may also know of our Silent Sitting Communities (in normal times: Church of the Holy Spirit Pagan Hill 3pm Thursdays, St Laurence’s Stroud 8am Tuesdays – the latter now still meeting but sitting in our respective homes, with corresponding communications before & after) and the Praying Together community at Holy Trinity Slad (10am Thursdays – now online).
Contemplative prayer is experiencing a renaissance at the moment because of its facility to open the heart to deep spiritual remedies – if you’d like to connect with one or more of the aforementioned communities, do get in touch.