This is our weekly communication to remind us that we may be in isolation, but we are not alone.
Since I last wrote we have been told that we are going to be in lock down for a while longer. I hope that you are finding healthy ways of being, and enjoying the opportunity to connect with people in your congregations in new ways; be that by phone, by letter or by video call. If you are feeling lonely, pick up the phone and call someone – you will probably make their day, and make yours brighter too.
Simon and I have Open Vicarage from 10-11 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and are loving catching up with people during those times. Do ‘drop in’!
On the website there is also a little video preparing for our Agape meal together on Sunday, and an update about our curate, Helen Hill.
You can also read about the challenge that Simon and I have accepted on behalf of The Door [will we live to regret this?!] and you can take a moment out to reflect on our wonderful earth through a video made for Earth Day by people in Slad.
Alongside these news items we have our worship; continue to offer Morning Prayer daily, Compline is always there as are the services we have shared.
Our virtual prayer board is there for you to ask for prayer, and our wonderful prayer team are faithfully praying for all of those people and situations.
Stay safe and well, and may you know the peace of God which passes all understanding.
Grace, love and peace, Kate