Weekly News 25 March

We come this Sunday to the beginning of Holy Week, a time when we’re reminded of God’s amazing love; that he chose to pour out his life so the whole world and each precious human being can be reconciled to him and know his love and healing. We are also reminded that within this is the call to draw close to Jesus and to follow him.

One way that we can do that next week is through joining in the rhythm of the 24/7 week of prayer, with its focus on healing and hope. There are lots of ways of doing that which you can find out about here. As well as showing the times when our various churches are open for prayer and when virtual gatherings are taking place, there are ideas for prayer for each day, daily meditations and a link to the 24/7 prayer toolshed with introductions and guides to help us engage with different forms of prayer. It’s not too late to commit to a particular hour or more by signing up via this link. Additionally, Kate will be leading online morning prayer that you will be able to access each day here.

All our churches will be open for a celebration of Easter on Easter day, when you can come for a short time or an hour to hear Easter music, readings and prayers and take the opportunity to receive the consecrated bread of communion: Uplands, St Laurence’s, St Matthew’s and Whiteshill from 9.30 am and Slad, Holy Trinity, Paganhill and Randwick from 11 am. 

This Sunday in our online service for Palm Sunday we’ll be taking a look at Jesus’ expectations and others expectations of Jesus as he reached that pivotal moment in his final journey to Jerusalem and are invited to think about our expectations. If you can, do join in here. Afterwards, from 11am, there’s chance to share our thoughts and news by clicking on the purple ‘chat’ button below. This week the hymns for the service come from members of our local worshipping communities.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed money to buy Easter eggs as part of the Easter Comfort and Joy project. We will be giving them, on behalf of us all, with the frozen meals, hot cross buns and an Easter card this coming week to families who are going through hard times. 

May you have a blessed Holy Week. Please get in touch if you’d like prayer or to ask anything.

Website Suggestion

Getting in touch

Open Vicarage Instructions

If you would prefer to ring in

Dial 020 3956 9054

When requested enter the PIN: 426 239 892#

What happens when you click this button?

On a desktop computer

In order for this to work you will need a computer with at least a microphone and speakers. You do not have to have camera, but obviously it helps.

A new window opens and you are taken to one of our video conference rooms using Google Meet

You may need to grant permission to use your camera and microphone.

We will get a notification that someone wants to join the call and we’ll let you in.

On an iPhone or Android

Download the app Google Meet first. Open the app and give it the permissions it needs to access your camera and microphone.

Then come back and click the Ding Dong! button on this page.

Communion during this time

In these unprecedented times, we are working hard to find imaginative solutions in a landscape that has been rapidly changing. Sometimes we get things right, and sometimes we miss the mark. I apologise that this has been the case regarding communion.

For those of you who have received wafers in a parcel, we would ask that you either consume them, or put them somewhere safe to bring back once we are able to be together again.

We are going to be sending out a new order of service for use during this time as either a simple service of the word or, on occasion, to help us to share an Agape meal together.

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