Weekly News 22 April

Allelujah, Christ is risen! He is risen indeed, Allelujah!

I hope that you managed to get some time to enjoy the sunshine and this wonderful place in which we live over the Easter holiday? 

We had a lovely few days off, catching up with old friends and family and enjoying the garden and this place.

I feel refreshed and ready to continue to navigate how we open up again, continuing to listen to God, to seek wisdom about what to pick up again and what not to so that we can all grow as disciples of Christ and live life in all its fullness.

A huge encouragement in that was our 24/7 prayer during Holy Week. I have heard many stories of encounters with God, of pictures overwhelmingly speaking of light in the darkness and celebration and a renewed sense of togetherness, that we are so much more than our individual parts; and at the same time, the depth of individual relationships with God bringing life to the whole. Please do add your experiences into the rich tapestry of what God seems to be saying to us, the church, at this time.

Our buildings are gradually opening up, and we have a pared-down pattern of services to take us through this time while restrictions are still in place. These can be found on our website, and please take the opportunity to go and worship with others you may not normally have the opportunity to. There will always be a Wednesday and Sunday Communion service through this time, and all our services are open to everyone.

If you don’t feel ready to venture out yet, our online services continue, followed by virtual coffee at 11am. This Sunday Simon will be encouraging us to fan the flames of resurrection in our communities. 

On our Services page, you can also find Morning Prayer every day, led by a diverse group of people bringing different voices and styles, all accompanied by beautiful images of our area created by Neal and Krisin Kemsley. I love the knowledge that I am praying with you each day. Why not join us sometime?

Our Joint PCCs and Team Council met on Tuesday evening for another robust discussion about the third paid post in our Team, and voted overwhelmingly to take the proposal of a Lay Post to oversee the operations of, and develop teams within our Team. This will now be considered by the Diocesan Mission and Pastoral Group in May. Please pray that God’s will be done.

As ever, we love to hear from you, so please do get in touch with me, Simon or Helen, or any of the rest of our team if you have any encouragements, questions or concerns.

May God bless you and keep you, make his face to shine upon you and give you life in all its fullness.

Website Suggestion

Getting in touch

Open Vicarage Instructions

If you would prefer to ring in

Dial 020 3956 9054

When requested enter the PIN: 426 239 892#

What happens when you click this button?

On a desktop computer

In order for this to work you will need a computer with at least a microphone and speakers. You do not have to have camera, but obviously it helps.

A new window opens and you are taken to one of our video conference rooms using Google Meet

You may need to grant permission to use your camera and microphone.

We will get a notification that someone wants to join the call and we’ll let you in.

On an iPhone or Android

Download the app Google Meet first. Open the app and give it the permissions it needs to access your camera and microphone.

Then come back and click the Ding Dong! button on this page.

Communion during this time

In these unprecedented times, we are working hard to find imaginative solutions in a landscape that has been rapidly changing. Sometimes we get things right, and sometimes we miss the mark. I apologise that this has been the case regarding communion.

For those of you who have received wafers in a parcel, we would ask that you either consume them, or put them somewhere safe to bring back once we are able to be together again.

We are going to be sending out a new order of service for use during this time as either a simple service of the word or, on occasion, to help us to share an Agape meal together.

I Have Spotted an Error on the Team Calendar