I hope that you have had a good week and that you are looking forward to some time off, or at least a different pace of life over the next few weeks.
It has been an incredibly challenging year, and it is worth noticing just how much energy all the changes and uncertainties take out of you.
Of course, we are not immune to all that either and will be taking holiday over the next few weeks. You can see who is away and when here. Graham and I are looking forward to going to Scotland this coming Monday to celebrate our Silver Wedding anniversary!
The third of our new online series, ‘Sideways’ will be available on Sunday. This week features Helen who invites us to rest in the images of Psalm 23; The Lord’s my Shepherd. Take time to have a look, and at the others. See if there is something there you could share with someone you know who is curious about faith.
On Sunday, along with a plethora of other services, there will be Communion at 9.30 in Uplands and 11 in Paganhill. You can find a list of all our services on our spaces and places page. We will also be having the last of our APCMs in the parishes of Uplands and Slad and St Matthew’s, Cainscross. Please do keep all those who have been, and will be, elected to serve our parishes in your prayers. As we have given thanks and commissioned, I pray that you would have a renewed sense of God’s calling on your life and that you would have the courage to step into all that God has for you.
As I said in my report, this year we are prioritising investing in and establishing life-giving small groups. We have some well-established groups already, and those who belong to them will testify to how much they get out of being part of that. It would be great to have a complete picture of all that is, as well as to hear from you what you would love to be part of. Please get in touch if there is something you would like to suggest and/or facilitate a small group.
May God bless you and keep you and shine upon you and give you peace.