Welcome to this weekly news bulletin from Stroud Churches.
Something new:
Judy Howard has offered to set up a group for sharing the wisdom and practice of the contemplative tradition. She writes ‘Many of us are drawn to silence at the heart of our prayer. The 1st gathering will be on Saturday July 10th at 9am in St Laurence, for approx: an hour. Just turn up. If you’d like to ask Judy more do ring 01452770776 or email [email protected]
This Sunday:
Our new pattern of in-person services continues this week. For details see our website www.stroudparishchurches.org.
Look out too for our new weekly ‘Sideways’ feature there. This week from Graham. Do you know anyone else who might be interested in listening to this? Perhaps you could send them the link.
There’s a chance to talk and think about what we are doing when we come together for communion services
The second of our ‘confirmation group’ meetings is taking place this Wednesday 14th July at St Laurence’s at 7pm and we will be sharing with one another about what we are doing and why we do it when we praise God and hear and think about the Bible readings in our communion service. You don’t have to be thinking about confirmation to join in and it’s not too late!
Questions of the week
Questions relevant to these times that we can ask ourselves or share with one another:
How have my relationships with others changed or developed through this time?
How do I view life differently as things change?
What am I most anxious about as I think about the future?
It’s good to take time out for ourselves and often good to chat these things over – some of us find out what we think as we speak!
‘Run with the horses’
This is not an announcement of a new physical activity but the title of the next book club book that’s meeting on 4th August. It’s by Eugene Petersen and based on the book of Jeremiah. Jeremiah had a rollercoaster faith story that might be relevant for us these days – read, come and find out! Anyone is welcome to join the group as a one-off or regularly. Please contact Helen on 074 322221 or Peter peter.hill@
May God bless you in your rest and activities this coming week.