Local Ministry Resource Library at Holy Trinity, Slad.

Do come along to Holy Trinity ( Church is open during daylight hours) to discover a world of knowledge at the Resource Library.

Here is an updated list of books available right now for anyone to borrow for their own enrichment and enjoyment.

List of Books in the Local Ministry Resource Library

The books are arranged roughly in order as listed here.


Butler’s Lives of the Saints

The Saints of Scotland

Saints, Signs and Symbols – a concise dictionary


A Book for All Seasons – reflections on the Book of Common Prayer

 [Raymond Chapman]

Celebrating Common Prayer – a version of the Daily Office [SSF]

Exciting Holiness – collects and readings for the Festivals and Lesser Festivals

Holy Communion order one – Public Worship with Communion by Extension [Church House Publishing booklets]

Patterns for Worship  [Church House Publishing]

Liturgical Worship – a basic introduction  [Mark Early/ CHP]

Great is the Mystery of Faith

   – exploring faith through the words of worship  [Paul Ferguson]

Springboard to Worship – ideas and resources for Sundays and Festivals, ASB years 1 and 2  [Susan Sayers]

Springboard Two – ideas and resources for All Age Worship, a weekly companion to ASB  [Susan Sayers]

Iona Abbey Worship Book

Intercessions and prayers

Lord for All Seasons – meditative prayers on the lectionary readings, years A, B and C  [Ted Burge]

Intercessions for Years A, B and C  [Ian Black]

Intercessions for the Church Year – a companion to ASB  [Susan Sayers]

Living Stones: Prayers of Intercession for Year C  [Susan Sayers]

Searchlights: Prayers of Intercession, Common Worship Year B  [David Adam]

Searchlights: Prayers of Intercession, Common Worship Year C  [David Adam]

Clouds of Glory – prayers for the Church Year  [David Adam]

Traces of Glory – prayers for the Church Year B  [David Adam]

Radiance of His Glory – prayers for the church years A, B & C  [David Adam]

Sixty More Themed Intercessions  [David Adam]

Selected Prayers for Public Worship  [Nick Fawcett]

Short Prayers for Public Worship  [Nick Fawcett]

Times and Seasons – a collection of prayers for an alternative Christian year  [WYS Books no.15]


Prayer  [Richard Foster]

The Lion Prayer Collection  

Lord of my days  [Frank Topping]

Lord of Life  [Frank Topping]

A Celtic Psaltery  [David Adam]

Lord of All, Hear our Prayer  [Ted Burge]

God to Enfold Me – praying in the Celtic tradition  [Mary Calvert]

Praying for People  [compiled by Margaret Pawley]

Family Prayers  [Frank Colquhoun]

Beyond the Gate – thoughts and prayers for those experiencing the death of a child   [Ed. Mary Oakley]

Woven into Prayer – a flexible pattern of daily prayer through the Christian year  [Angela Ashwin]

Prayers and Readings for All Occasions  [compiled for The Times by Owen Collins]

Just for You – a collection of inspirational verses  [Helen Steiner Rice]

Let Justice Roll Down – an anthology for Lent, Holy Week and Easter  [Christian Aid/CAFOD]

Prayer at Night [Jim Cotter]

You have a minute, Lord? [David Kossoff]


100 Talks for All Age Worship  [Susan Sayers]

Following the Gospel through the Year – reflections for years A, B & C  [Raymond Chapman]

Borderlands – the Best of David Adam

Meditations on Light   [St Laurence Parish Church, Stroud]

Matthew for Everyone, Parts 1 and 2 [Tom Wright]

Mark for Everyone  [Tom Wright]

Fourfold Portrait of Jesus  [Frank Colqhuoun]

The Christmas Stories  [Trevor Dennis]

The Easter Stories  [Trevor Dennis]

Jesus and Peter  [Michael Perham]

Drawn into the Mystery of Jesus through the Gospel of John  [Jean Vanier]

Cover to Cover: God’s People – through the Bible character by character  [Selwyn Huges & Trevor J Partridge

At Home in Advent  [Gordon Giles]

Hope in the Wilderness: Bible readings from Advent to Epiphany [David Winter]

When you Walk – Company and encouragement for ordinary followers of Jesus who sometimes find the going a bit tough (originally written for New Daylight notes)  [Adrian Plass]


The Living World of the Old Testament   [Bernhard W. Anderson]

The Lion Handbook to the Bible  (two copies!)

Part III – The Christian Testament since the Bible

Who’s Who in the Old Testament  [Joan Comay]

Who’s Who in the New Testament  [Ronald Brownrigg]


At Heaven’s Gate – reflections on leading worship  [Richard Giles]

To Tell Afresh  [Michael Perham]

Ministry in Three Dimensions – ordination and leadership in the local church  [Church House Publishing]

Mission-shaped Church   [Church House Publishing]

How to Grow Your Church’s Income  [Maggie Durran]

Called or Collared? – an alternative approach to vocation  [Francis Dewar]

More Creative Mission – ideas to help church and community celebrate special days and events throughout the year  [Roma Orme]

Grove Pastoral Series:

  Leadership Teams  [Chris Skilton]

  Preaching as Dialogue  [Jeremy Thomson]

  A Church Without Walls  [Mike Lowe]

Grove Evangelism Series:

   Creating a Culture of Welcome in the Local Church  [Alison Gilchrist]

Grove Worship Series:

   How to Engage with Scripture – with or without a preacher  (2 copies) 

[Anne deLange]

   How to Use Symbol and Action in Worship (2 copies)  [John Leach]

A Vision for Growth  [Robin Gill]

The Word of God for the People of God – a guide to reading in church  

   [Leslie Chadd]

The Heart of Christianity  [Marcus Borg]

What is Faith? – essays in the philosophy of religion  [Anthony Kenny]

Surprised by God – lives turned upside down  [Faith Cook]

The People of God – a royal priesthood  [Alwyn Marriage]

Gospel Reset – salvation made relevant  [Ken Ham]

The Go-between God  [John V. Taylor]

Let God be God – an encouragement to grow in faith  [Michael Forster]

For All That Has Been, Thanks – growing a sense of gratitude  

  [Rowan Williams  Joan Chittister OSB]

Jesus Then and Now  [David Watson & Simon Jenkins]

God Lost and Found  [John Pritchard]

God of Surprises  [Gerard Hughes]

Mysticism and Miscellaneous

Why Julian Now?  [Sheila Upjohn]

Love is the Meaning – growing in faith with Julian of Norwich  

Learning to Dance  [Michael Mayne]

Live for a Change – discovering and using your gifts  [Francis Dewar]

Unapologetic  [Francis Spufford]

The Bible as Improv – seeking and living the script in new ways  [Ron Martoia]

What Am I Doing Here? – a beginner’s guide to church  [Dave Walker]

Silence and Honey Cakes – the wisdom of the desert  [Rowan Williams]

Lifestyle, Justice etc.

L is for Lifestyle  [Ruth Valerio]

Saying Yes to Life  [Ruth Valerio]

Embracing Justice  [Isabelle Hamley]

Finding Sanctuary  [Abbot Christopher Jamison]


To Worship in Stillness Music Book  [Susan Sayers]

To Worship in Stillness – thirty reflective services  [Susan Sayers]

Music from Taizé  [Jaques Berthier]

Large format books  (on lower shelf)

Worship through the Christian Year – all age resources for Year C  [Diana Murrie & Hamish Bruce]

Living Stones – all age resources for Common Worship

 3 volumes, Years A, B & C [Susan Sayers]

More Freedom within a Framework – breathing new life into the liturgy (with CD)  [Tim Lomax]

Passion Play 2010 Oberamergau

On the Mountain Top – a year book for spiritual growth, meditation and prayer

Festive Allsorts – ideas for celebrating the Christian year  [Nicola Currie]


Website Suggestion

Getting in touch

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Communion during this time

In these unprecedented times, we are working hard to find imaginative solutions in a landscape that has been rapidly changing. Sometimes we get things right, and sometimes we miss the mark. I apologise that this has been the case regarding communion.

For those of you who have received wafers in a parcel, we would ask that you either consume them, or put them somewhere safe to bring back once we are able to be together again.

We are going to be sending out a new order of service for use during this time as either a simple service of the word or, on occasion, to help us to share an Agape meal together.

I Have Spotted an Error on the Team Calendar