Ageing gracefully : a practical theology of later life.
First of all, this is not a conventional retirement course! It is a six-session course for Christians who wish to explore some of the theological issues raised by an ageing society. We all like to pretend that ageing only happens to others and not us. ‘Ageing gracefully’ is a course for those who are ready to face up to the reality. Through Biblical themes we will try to understand God’s purposes in a long life. Together we will explore how Christians might respond to the challenges we often face towards the end of our earthly life – both in ourselves and in caring for those we love.
The course covers attitudes to ageing – firstly ours and then Biblical perspectives – and individual sessions are devoted to healing in the context of frailty; giving and receiving care; understanding dementia and the soul; and end of life issues. The course is led by Dr Ian Donald, recently retired consultant in Geriatric Medicine at Gloucester.
A course during Lent is running at St George’s Church, Cam on Wednesday afternoons from March 5th. Sign up using the QR code on the flyer – or email [email protected].